How to Transfer Large Video Files in 2023

Are you scrolling through endless video data? Have a ton of screenshots to share? If you are concerned about huge video files, you have found the right guide. Here we’ll explain five (yes, five!) practical ways to transfer those huge video files. So, let’s dive in!

1. Powerful UDP File Transfer

When it comes to the world of professional films, terms like espara and significator may sound familiar. These big names transfer files using UDP (User Datagram Protocol).

Most online file transfer platforms run over TCP, but UDP is emerging as a super-fast option, ideal for transferring large video files. But there’s a twist: They’re primarily for larger companies. Just for perspective, Aspera can cost you over $10,000 per year for just six terabytes of data. Plus, you’ll need an IT team to get it done. If you are a solo video editor or a small group, it may put a strain on your pocket.

2. Cloud Storage: A Familiar Friend

Everyone has heard of Google DriveDropbox, and OneDrive. Their ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and combination of storage and transportation make them popular choices.

But there’s also a downside: They’re not designed for very large, fast video transfers. For example, Dropbox may give you one terabyte of capacity for $11 per month, but limit you to 2GB transfers. Additionally, regardless of your package, the download limit from the browser is 50 GB. WeTransfer Pro is also limited to 200GB, although 1TB is available for $12 per month.

3. Charging physical data: going back to the past

Are you facing a shortage of time and low internet speed? Sometimes, going back to basics – like sending your data via courier on a hard drive or USB – can save the day. It is wallet-friendly and handles a lot of data. But remember that your precious files will be transferred and out of your direct control.

4. Classic FTP

Enter the ancient champion of file transfer, FTP. Here, the central server becomes the middleman, allowing uploads or downloads only to those who have permission. It offers excellent security and structure but be prepared for some technical dynamics.

5. Click to send email

Finally, it is easier to use the traditional push and email method. However, it is not without risks – you may lose some data. Since most email services limit attachment sizes to 5 to 50 MB, this is the best method for smaller files.

Use editing software or a reliable tool to compress. If working with files up to 8GB in size, power users can use Sky Convert’s Zip converter for a hassle-free experience. Alternatively, simply right-click your file, which will make it ready for email, but potentially some data integrity will be compromised.

In conclusion

With the many options you have, it’s important to:

  • Choose the one that suits your needs,
  • Stay within your budget, and
  • Make sure it suits the way you work.
  • There’s no one method that fits all, but with this guide at your fingertips, you’re ready to tackle the big task of transferring those huge video files.

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